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Pay the $50 Pilgrim Registration Fee here:

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We invite all Christian leaders to join us in the Via de Cristo community.

This journey starts with attending a weekend and continues through your whole life.

If you are interested in learning more and going on a weekend, please contact anyone at your church who has gone through Via de Cristo.

If you’re unsure if anyone has gone from your church, please use the form below to contact us and we’ll be glad to get you more information.

If you are ready to register and were directed to fill out the form, please click the link above titled "PILGRIM REGISTRATION".

You can either fill the form out online, download the file, and email it to, or you can print and mail your registration form to the address below.

Our Mailing address is

9530 Hageman Road B243

Bakersfield, CA 93312-3959

If you need help with sending your registration form or have any questions, please fill out the contact form below.

California VdC Bank Account QR Code PNG_edited.jpg

Let us contact you!

Thank you for submitting!

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